
Senin, 23 November 2009


    Construct a matrix that maps the roles of the system analysts versus the programmers in terms of the general problem solving methodology described in this chapter.next,add a column for the roles of system owners and system users.

Sistem analis
Pemilik & Pengguna sistem
·      spesialis yang mempelajari masalah-masalah dan keperluan suatu organisasi untuk menentukan bagaimana orang, data, proses dan teknologi dapat memberikan penyelesaian terbaik bagi bisnis.

·      Analis sistem ditujukan untuk menyediakan tim proyek dengan pemahaman yang lebih menyeluruh terhadap masalah – masalah dan kebutuhan – kebutuhan yang memicu proyek.

·      Konstruksi, instalasi, pengujian, dan pengiriman sistem kedalam produksi.

·      Memiliki tanggung jawab sebagai seorang programer komputer sekaligus analis sistem.
·      Pemilik sistem Bertanggung jawab untuk mendanai proyek yang dikembangkan, dioperasikan dan dipelihara dari suatu sistem informasi.

·      Pengguna sistem lebih memperhatikan funsionalitas sistem yang disediakan untuk pekerjaan mereka dan kemudahan pembelajaran dan penggunaan sistem.

·      Menangkap, menguji, memasukan, menjawab, menyimpan, dan menukarkan informasi dan data.
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ANSI halaman 46 no 9

Peran dan Aktivitas
1.       Sistem analis & Programer
·      spesialis yang mempelajari masalah-masalah dan keperluan suatu organisasi untuk menentukan bagaimana orang, data, proses dan teknologi dapat memberikan penyelesaian terbaik bagi bisnis dan memiliki tanggung jawab sebagai seorang programer komputer sekaligus analis sistem.
·      Analis sistem ditujukan untuk menyediakan tim proyek dengan pemahaman yang lebih menyeluruh terhadap masalah – masalah dan kebutuhan – kebutuhan yang memicu proyek.
·      Konstruksi, instalasi, pengujian, dan pengiriman sistem kedalam produksi.
2.       Pemilik & Pengguna sistem
·      Pemilik sistem Bertanggung jawab untuk mendanai proyek yang dikembangkan, dioperasikan dan dipelihara dari suatu sistem informasi.
·      Pengguna sistem lebih memperhatikan funsionalitas sistem yang disediakan untuk pekerjaan mereka dan kemudahan pembelajaran dan penggunaan sistem.
·      menangkap, menguji, memasukan, menjawab, menyimpan, dan menukarkan informasi dan data.

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Minggu, 22 November 2009


Entrepreneurs are people who respond to any changes in the environment in a creative and innovative. Any kind of environment does not cause problems, including crisis since responded to creative and innovative. Thus, behind the emergence of difficulties or the threat there is also a promising opportunity. Creativity is the ability to present ideas or new ideas. While innovation is the application of ideas or new ideas.

We all really are creative beings, but because creativity is rarely practiced on a regular basis, then this creativity eventually become paralyzed, the muscles like a man who was never trained. The results of the tests to measure creativity in different age groups showed this. George Land reported in the Break-Point and Beyond, that the 5-year-olds scored 98%, 10-year-olds scored 32%, 15-year-olds scored 10%, and adults 42 years of age scored only 2%. This happens because the children make creative thinking skills as a routine activity. They are always watching and asking and his favorite question is "Why?". Sometimes these children do not believe what adults say to them to test themselves and their own conclusions. When my first child was three years old asked his mother "Mom. Heaven is like what? ". Her mother said "If we ask for food, the food came alone. If we want to come drink then drink alone ". My children spontaneously responded "yes ma'am restaurant Rich". My wife got these answers, smiling. Even I can not question less interesting. When I came home from work, children who suddenly gives me guess. "Mr. Five tennis balls fell in a so what? ". "Four" I replied. "One Mr. That really be a rabbit "he said. "How?" I asked with amazement. "Yes. Because pocus "she replied innocently. Apparently he saw the magic that turns on the TV tennis ball into a rabbit. Even a very brilliant idea that came from a toddler when the child was walking at night, then he tripped over a stone because of the dark, he spontaneously said "shoes should have the lights". This idea inspired shoemaker existing lights. This is an extraordinary creativity. Indeed in the end the children will learn to follow adult rules and make an informed without again. By following the rules and restrictions are actually adults we have to limit our creativity. But the question remains, draw conclusions and look at issues from a new perspective, like the children, we will remain creative and innovative.
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Great leader and a brilliant achievers believe that he himself created his world. Genesis was good or bad is they who created it. "I was responsible with this incident" they said. But if you think otherwise that everything happens for a victim of circumstance, then you put yourself as an object rather than subject. So what happens you will suffer and not think, behind the failure was still a chance.

Responsible is a measure of maturity of a leader. Responsible to lead men to trust their leaders that can cause tremendous synergy. John F. Kennedy is one such leader. When an incident Bay of Pigs, which is a crime that should never have happened, he told the American people that the incident is under its responsibility. When it was spoken to the people, the Kennedy changed from politician to be a true leader. Kennedy did what he had done every great leader. "Those who are responsible is in power and those who avoid the responsibility that is not powerless" said Anthony Robbins.

My experience as a leader in one of the small of my small company was also taught that the responsibility can actually solve the problem. When one small institution which I led, the students held a demonstration for me to dismiss three of my employees who act arrogant to them, then I say to students who demonstrate it. First, I thank you because the students care about this institution and this institution is willing to become better in the ministry. Secondly, I acknowledge my responsibility for the employee. If the students do want to get fired so before being fired, I was ready to be fired first. Then the students said that was not my preferred, but these three employees.

"To fire the employee for me as a leader easy, living made SK layoffs, but the third employee is a source of family income. If I fired, how his wife, son and how they support his family. Especially now in a crisis situation to get a new job they must have trouble "I replied. It turned out that my answer is to touch the hearts of the students, then they say "Well Mr. Yanto, then at least the employee is given a strong warning, so no more arrogant". "I will try to give warnings and educate" I replied. Finally, the issue can be done with peace and the students apologize to me. I also forgive them.
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STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta Sign In A New Dynamic Private Higher Education by UNESCO

A return of pride felt by STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. UNESCO United Nations Education Authority makes STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta as an example of a private university in the world in A New Dynamic Private Higher Education.

World Conference on Higher Education in 2009 to discuss about various issues and trends of education in various countries. Appears a trend in developing countries is growing higher education administration non-governmental very rapidly. The pattern of financing education from both the government and the private sector and then classified by UNESCO into 11 categories. Of the eleven categories of UNESCO took several universities from all over the world.

One of the world universities Harvard University into the category into which 8 of private institutions with government subsidized project-based. Through research grants to compete, consulting, training programs or projects for a particular purpose, Harvard University education financing. This is a common case in the United States, where many private universities have considerable government funding through competitive grants.

While STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta entered into the eleven categories of private educational institutions that did not get a subsidy from the government. Most private universities in the world fall into this category. But what makes this STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta is considered unique and different from the UNESCO is funding a college education is out of funds other than students come from various business units managed by the entrepreneur. Many business units is also a place of internship for its students to gain experience.

Prof. Dr. M. Suyanto, MM as chairman STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta is very grateful for this achievement. "I am very grateful it STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta aligned with world-class universities&quot.
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Tip Start Your Business - How to Get Lots of Capital

FOR those who want to start a business, capital is often the main obstacle. Whereas many ways to get capital. Could be from banks, donor agencies, or even get the investors.

Often heard complaints from small businesses that are difficult to access banks to raise capital. And orders or orders from customers already waiting. However due to limited funds, the entrepreneur is unable to meet customer orders in large quantities.

Not infrequently this story ends disappointing, because ultimately the customer's order was not served. Customers are forced to find other entrepreneurs who can meet the order. When the customer actually will trust the product quality entrepreneurs.

"Many entrepreneurs have the story of a potential market, but not able to serve the customer's order due to limited funds," said Associate Finance Manager Tatang Indonesia Business Link to SINDO Solihin. Though there are many tricks that can be done to increase the start-up entrepreneurs or obtain capital.

For any banking institution currently offers many credit options. Starting investment credit, working capital, or even factoring. Types of credit is usually given to entrepreneurs with guaranteed purchase order (PO) a letter from the customer's order.

Based on personal experience in doing business Tatang, banking for 70% of the total value of order. "At the time I got orders Rp2 billion, and then get credit from banks for 70% of that figure. This will be very helpful, "he explained.

Additional injection of capital for entrepreneurs who get orders from customers must be very necessary for running the business wheel. For this type of financing, banks do not impose interest rate credit as usual, but the fee percentage is quite competitive compared to bank loan rates.

"If you do have orders, PO can be used as collateral. The bank knows how to analyze correctly or not. Also cross check can be done. Will be analyzed because the terms of payment, the ordered units, how much, the total number, the bank what to wear, NPWP, addresses a clear customer, and I've done that, "he explained.

However, according to Tatang, the main capital an entrepreneur is the determination and confidence. While financial capital can be realized in many ways. Including by working together with investors, donors, or others. Because it's been a lot of institutions that channel working capital financing in the form of loans or grants (grants).

The government had also started to promote credit programs for small businesses through the People's Business Credit (KUR) and the National Community Empowerment Program Mandiri (PNPM). Financing system in the form of grants which is bustling is one of them.

This is usually provided by international donors such as USAID,
AUSAID with the amount of funds from hundreds of millions to billions of rupiah. But the program is generally funded form of social entrepreneurship.

Gallery founder Dindin Komarudin Ka'Qta is one example of an entrepreneur is often a winner in an effort to get grants from donor agencies. In addition, institutions such as the IBL also provides grants for start-up capital would-be entrepreneurs who successfully pass the selection through the Young Entrepreneur Start-up (YES) with a magnitude of about Rp10-20 million per business. (abdul malik / Islahuddin / Faizin aslam)


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Company wants its customers loyal. Loyalty is a state of mind, a subjective concept and the concept is best defined by the customers themselves. Aspects of customer loyalty that is often overlooked and rarely measured is the emotional relationship between a loyal customer with the company. Customers who have a true loyalty to feel the emotional bond with the company. Loyal Customers say that the growing feeling when doing business with the company that makes them continue to do business with the company. Emotional bond is what makes customers become loyal and encourage business and give recommendations.
The importance of emotional ties, then the company should focus on how they treat customers and how to foster positive feelings in customers. Creating positive emotions and feelings is the main thing is to do business. The lack of positive emotions make repeat sales to be only a mechanical activity, the usual behavior that makes the customer there is no real reason to stay and continue to do business with the company.

True customer loyalty can not be created without an emotional connection. Loyalty is evidence of emotional buying behavior transforms into a relationship again. If the customer does not feel any love or closeness to the company, the relationship between the customer and the company does not have the characteristic.

If it has loyal customers, usually in their hearts they will call, for example, fruit store where shoppers will be referred to as store my people. Supermarket where shopping is Supermarketku. Elektronikku store, shoe store and so on. The experience also taught my family so. My family had a fruit shop that we always loyal to buy in the store, the store is located in IB Road Ground. Every time I come often, the owner handed me an orange sweet to me, saying "This is sweet sir". I am greeted with a smile, I thank you. That is opening the door of communication that is the beginning of the creation of an emotional relationship. "Mr. KR print titled My business Weapons cut. This I put on my desk "fruit shop owner said that he showed my writing is posted on his desk. "This is my practice lo sir", he said. "Good luck" I said. "Thank you sir. Pak Yanto today to lecture where? If there is a lecture today, I want to come sir. I want to listen to his lecture ", asked the store owner. The key to success for many companies lies in transforming the relationship into the relationship of behavior that characterized positive emotions ", said James G Barnes in his book Secrets of Customer Relationship Management.
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Jumat, 13 November 2009


You have a good business idea, but do not have the capital, then you can still start a business with capital cooperation. You have a close friend or close relation who believe in you, then you can contact them and convince them to get capital support. The advantage of these efforts can be divided into two or in accordance with the agreement. The more you involve them, the greater the level of trust in you, which also means greater capital investment in your business that path with them. To do this strategy, you start from the closest and most believe in you. After that new to those more distant or relatively less confidence in you. Honesty is the most important thing in starting a business with capital cooperation. Openness and fairness must be upheld so that they believe in you. The trust they give to you, like they are saving. From little by little for a long time will be a big savings. Similarly confidence, little by little more confidence in you.

When I met one of his close friends, he immediately offered me to become a computer dealer Epson. My friend was at that time as a sales representative Metrodata. "You want to sell computer Med Epson?" My friend asked. Med is my nickname in high school I Madiun. "I do not have the capital" I replied. "It does not need capital. Simply you Epson's computer display. Then after the computer new behavior you pay. I give two-month grace period "my friend said. "All right. I will try to Epson computer sales "I agreed. Why are my friends believe me?. Because my friend was in high school when I Madiun bench, going to school together. If I ride berangkatnya him, then turns her back home my bum. I bought meatballs and ice together, if I who have money, so my pay, otherwise when he had money, he is paying. When I was sick, I lay down in his house, while he left the school itself. I often eat at his house and learn together. I often entertain his brother with conjuring tricks. I often talked with his parents. I never borrowed the money with him to pay my tuition and repay the loans in accordance with my promise. I am very fortunate to be close friends trust me. My friend is named Agus Widodo Honggo, now he as a Director of PT. Metrodata. You can try to start a business with capital cooperation through your closest friends.

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Rabu, 11 November 2009


There are many ways to start a business. One of them is by looking at environmental change occurs. Henri Nestlé, a German chemist who berdomisisl in Vevey Switzerland, was concerned with the high infant mortality rates in the late 19th century, precisely in 1866 in Switzerland. In the few pharmacists are trained to begin to experiment with various combinations of milk, flour and sugar, to develop alternative sources sustu infant nutrition for mothers unable to breastfeed. That's where business opportunities are created, namely the concern. Nestle eventually create "Farine Lactee", as the baby dishes that are not sufficiently Breast (ASI). From the food, many babies who were saved his soul at that moment., Which makes Nestle a public trust.

Nestle's first customer was a premature baby can not drink mother's milk. After Farine Lactee save many babies, Nestle eventually be able to sell these products throughout Europe. Henri Nestlé also provide initial understanding of the brand and ownership. He uses his name to a symbol of the company, which is Nestle. In 1874, Nestle condensed milk products pulled out. The product is competing with condensed milk products from Anglo-Swiss firm. Then Nestle issued a milk-chocolate products in 1875. Peter, a friend of Henri Nestlé is the leading chocolate manufacturer in the world to join with Nestle. Even the main competitor of the Anglo-Swiss, in 1905 finally joined.

Quality is the philosophy of Nestle. Millions of people all over the world put their faith in Nestle products. Trust is the image quality and reputation for high standards from year to year. Every product, service and customer contact services to help towards the formation of the image. Nestle is a trademark of a product is a promise to customers, that products are safe for consumption, comply with regulations and high quality standards. Customers wishing to keep his word every day.

Quality is a tool to increase competitive advantage. If the customer is not satisfied with the quality of Nestle products, then they will leave, they will consume other brands. Nestle therefore give credit to each category of products in the market, where they compete. Quality is not a guarantee of success, but it is one of the weapons to succeed. Competitive advantage is the long-term quality of which has an optimum value in the minds of consumers. Of high value will lead to satisfaction for consumers, who ultimately makes the stand and loyal customers.
Company with the motto "Good Food, Good Life", as a strategy positioningnya, very attached to the people of the world, including Indonesia. Companies that have a mission as a company's greatest food in the world in 2003, is the most amazing companies of the world (The Most Admired Company in the World) ranks 39th, Fortune magazine.

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Community relations is a community organized around the experience of life. For example cancer forum is a forum that contains exchange of information and opinions about the cancer disease (www.cancerforum.com). Moreover Cancer Forum sell and rent domain name related to health. The categories that domain names such as Alzheimers, Arthritis, Asthma, Birth Control, Cancer, Dentistry, Diet, Disease, Drugs, Eye, Fitness, Footcare, Forums, Genetics, Haircare, Heart, Hospitals, Legal, Media, Medicare, Medicine , Non-Home, Pediatrics, Pet / Enimal, Physicians, Resources, Skincare, Specialties, Vaccines and Viruses.

Parent Soup is a forum of sports information for parents and can visit the SeniorNet, Women's Wire and iVillage, which is on-line community known for women. Community relations African-American descent on Bet.com, community relations in Latin www.elsitio.com address community relations and Asian American-occupied www.click2asia.com address. Community relations people with disabilities address at www.wemedia.com

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From his job as a teaching technique SMK Negeri 3 Ciamis, Mr. Tatang Handapherang Marta from Village, District Handapherang, Ciamis regency, West Java to start a business making wood waste of various kinds of souvenirs. Waste from mahogany, pine, rosewood to be a coconut trunk watch boxes, sticks, small flower vase, wall clock shaped like a watch, a jar, place matches, bowls, ladle the soup until the pencil desk. He just wants to waste wood that had been treated less well still, can be more useful. At first Mr. Tatang ditertatawakan business started by local communities and peer teaching. Even thought the contribution beggar when Mr. Tatang find the remains of wood from the factory to factory, and gazing at me quizzically, and was called "Mang" by the manufacturer. After knowing Mr. Tatang was a teacher

, Only those people apologized and replaced it with a call "sir". But the biggest and oldest problems faced Tatang Paka is a matter of marketing. "Souvenir from a small village who wants to buy?. Want to be taken to the city I have not had a friend who has a shop or showroom to display my goods. More is no longer possible I like to sell jajakan around fish or vegetables, "Mr. Tatang. Eventually he followed the show and left business cards on his fellow craftsmen / entrepreneurs who met at the exhibition. "Thank God, from which buyers finally began more as a way of escape from the marketing problem," Mr. Tatang. Than just interested in their last exhibition invites cooperation and even finally found an agent who markets to foreign goods. That was the beginning of the most successful businesses, ridiculed and gazing with a cynical view. Now-made goods Mr. Tatang interest not only in the country, but to foreign countries, such as America, Japan, Korea, Australia, Singapore to the Middle East.

I will finish when my final assignment in Physics FMIPA UGM, which calculates the phase angle of scattering of atoms by using numerical methods, so I worked with a computer. From the work I do is create IMKI Computer Education Center in 1988. I started from one of my Apple credit. Every business is always a resistance, that is, when for three months can not pay in the Apple computers, so that the computer was withdrawn by crediting my place. How to deal with students who course?. I say "This week we learn the theory first, God willing, next week we practice again". That was the last weapon I have to make IMKI students persist. The beginning of a business usually starts from the difficulties, threats and even failures, but how to make it into an opportunity and can learn from the failure to achieve success in the future. Opportunities that arise when it is the Computer Professionals Program, One Year, the first in Yogyakarta and early escape from the difficulties currently Computer Education Center already has 12 branches and has about 2000 students students. From IMKI is STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta begins. You can also start a business from the work you have done.
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Apart from the education that you live, you can start a business from the work you have done. Reuben Mattus started the business from a job as a child. He arrived in the United States from Poland in 1921. When it was 8 years old and with his mother who was a widow. To make money, mother Mattus sold lemon ice from a squeezed lemon and Mattus help. In 1932, he founded the company Senator Frozen Products in the Bronx and in the late 1950s to build an ice cream persusahaan Ciro's being marketed through grocery stores and liquor stores. Then he had the idea to enter into supermarkets, but supermarkets are not asking for incentives can be met by Ciro.s. Mattus not easily discouraged, he kemudia create a luxury brand of ice cream made from real fruit, natural ingredients and are marketed through the imaginative use of the name smells of Danish "Haage-Dazs" as the perfect way to differentiate a brand new with its competitors. Three flavors Haagen Dazs, which first appeared is a sense of Vanilla, chocolate and coffee and sold in food stores in New York. Community positively welcomed the ice and only in a few weeks other stores throughout the United States to send a reservation for this new ice cream. Of-mouth marketing is enough to improve the distribution of these products to the urban centers and cities and universities in the Northeast region. People across America sent a letter asking how to get Haagen Dazs near where he lived. Some even volunteering to distribute this product. Mattus girls then proposed the idea to open a shop selling only brand Haagen Dazs. The first store opened in Brooklyn and opened a new era for this brand and was followed in major cities across America. In the year 1982, has been to expand into Canada and also cooperation with leading food companies and has crossed the Atlantic to Europe. The Europeans are welcomed with enthusiasm ice.

Eugene Schueller also started the business from his job as a chemist. As a chemist who was young, he managed to make hair dye formula which he calls innovative "aureole". Then Schueller founded the company called "Franncaise Societe de Teentures Inoffensives pour Cheveux" in the year 1909, which eventually became "L'Oreal". Schueller principles used to achieve success is to research and innovation which focuses on beauty. Starting from a small company and he himself as a chemical expert, just 11 years later added 3 chemist and is now approaching 2000 chemists employed. Schueller sell these products at the beginning to the hairdresser in Paris. Five years later, L'Oreal products have been found in the Netherlands, Austria and Italy. A few years later, through distributing agents and their representatives to the United States, Russia and Asia. Now, L'Oreal products have been present in the whole world and L'Oreal, including companies that are most remarkable in France and ranked 23 amazing world of Fortune magazine.
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Selasa, 10 November 2009


Pierre Omidyar started bisninya with computer science degree. He is interested in the development of different technologies for consumer products, and he loved the idea that would take the concept in every way through product delivery to consumers, showing their reactions and then modify it. Internet gives you a place to do it, because you can publish quickly the software, you can get a reaction from your customers quickly and Andapun know if a mistake is fast. He thinks, how the auction in Paris, the participants do not have to go to Paris, but quite at home or at their office. Finally Omidyar founded the company in the Internet auction with the name eBay in 1995. Prior to Omidyar founded eBay eSharp founded with her friend, which gives the experience as an entrepreneur. eBay is a company that relies on trust. Imagine! People want to pay what dilelangkan with only seen a picture of it. Without trust this company will not run. Net income more than three times to reach 1.35 million dollars in the third quarter of 1999, with sales rising to 58.5 million dollars. Number of doing the registration on the eBay site increased from 5.6 million to 7.7 million compared with the previous quarter and up 1.3 million dollars in the same period the previous year. Penjulan value of goods on the web site jumped from 195 million to $ 741 million dollars. eBay is the best auction company in the Internet in the year 2002 version of Yahoo magazine.

Anita Roddick founded The Body Shop in 1976 in the garage. He founded the business because of his education, that is history. "Historical study of myth and legend. About what makes you great. What separates you and me make history as an entrepreneur "says Anita Roddick. With a history that he loved akhinya environment makes the concept of "natural", made of pure ingredients, not tested on animals and friendly to the environment as well as native herbs which they come. With almost no advertising but with a very massive publicity, The Body Shop has become one of the legendary brands of the world.

Ir. Ciputra start a business with education in the field of architecture and property, because he was an alumnus of Architecture Department ITB in 1960. Ciputra now as President Director of PT Ciputra Development (CD) and President Commissioner of PT Jaya Realty (JR) and which was crowned as the best public CEO Magazine in 1997 Sembada Swa.

After completing my Masters in Education Management with friends founded the Program for Master of Business Administration in cooperation with the West Coast Institute of Management and Technology, Australia and Warnbrough University, United Kingdom before there were rules about the MBA program. After the rules were later established in the Master of Management Program STIE "Bodi Artha Iswara" Surabaya. Currently Master of Management Program students are approximately 1000 students, perhaps a Master of Management Program the largest number of students in Indonesia. So You can also start a business with your education and when I was in college.
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Many who complain, that to open a business has no chance. This is a classic complaint that we can not hear anymore. In fact to start a business we can do a variety of ways, one with the education we have.

Jerry Yang and David Filo, Yahoo founders started the business by using his education. They are students at Stanford University. Yahoo starts from the back of this parking lot is now growing rapidly. Jerry Yang and David Filo started the business from small and simple things. Jerry Yang Yahoo illustrates that the discovery is "an accident" when he and Filo finish his thesis. Yang and Filo started Yahoo as they are sitting on the bench college, before they finish college. They started doing business with a website listing some of their favorite and write some software that allows a website to get other web sites that will be placed on the so-called web portals. At the time established in 1994, called Terry's Guide To The World Wide Web. When they learned that their sites are visited by people from 90 countries, spontaneously say "Yahoo" and ultimately that's the word used to name their company. In 1999, Yahoo reached star status. Net income quadrupled in the fourth quarter of 57.6 million dollars, while revenues jumped from 91 million to $ 201 million dollars. Now Yahoo is the best portal in 2002.

Kiichiro Toyoda is the son of the founder of Toyoda Spinning & Weaving Co., which moves in the field of automatic loom. After completing his engineering studies, he decided to start a business by transforming the company into the production car and change the company name from Toyoda to Toyota in 1936. Kiichiro Toyoda became President of the Toyota company until 1950. The first car produced was then Model AA Model Crown. Offices in foreign countries first established in Taiwan and then Saudi Arabia. The program the company began producing forklift trucks (tub / trailer), which makes the company the number one in the world in this market. These trucks entering the U.S. market in 1958 and the British market in 1965. Model Crown but failed to enter the U.S., because the car is designed for the Japanese market, are not designed for walking in the American highway. Finally Toyota Corolla in 1968 and achieve success so that it can shift the Volkswagen as the number one imported car in America. Even through the heart of the city took the Americans with General Motors to make Toyota cars in America. Camry is the most successful car sales in the United States in 1997. Toyota is now extended to other areas of business, namely financial services, telecommunications, housing, machinery navy, recreational boats, parts distribution and aviation services. Toyota is now number three car maker in the world after General Motors and Ford. Yoyota has sold 5 million vehicles per year.
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