FOR those who want to start a business, capital is often the main obstacle. Whereas many ways to get capital. Could be from banks, donor agencies, or even get the investors.
Often heard complaints from small businesses that are difficult to access banks to raise capital. And orders or orders from customers already waiting. However due to limited funds, the entrepreneur is unable to meet customer orders in large quantities.
Not infrequently this story ends disappointing, because ultimately the customer's order was not served. Customers are forced to find other entrepreneurs who can meet the order. When the customer actually will trust the product quality entrepreneurs.
"Many entrepreneurs have the story of a potential market, but not able to serve the customer's order due to limited funds," said Associate Finance Manager Tatang Indonesia Business Link to SINDO Solihin. Though there are many tricks that can be done to increase the start-up entrepreneurs or obtain capital.
For any banking institution currently offers many credit options. Starting investment credit, working capital, or even factoring. Types of credit is usually given to entrepreneurs with guaranteed purchase order (PO) a letter from the customer's order.
Based on personal experience in doing business Tatang, banking for 70% of the total value of order. "At the time I got orders Rp2 billion, and then get credit from banks for 70% of that figure. This will be very helpful, "he explained.
Additional injection of capital for entrepreneurs who get orders from customers must be very necessary for running the business wheel. For this type of financing, banks do not impose interest rate credit as usual, but the fee percentage is quite competitive compared to bank loan rates.
"If you do have orders, PO can be used as collateral. The bank knows how to analyze correctly or not. Also cross check can be done. Will be analyzed because the terms of payment, the ordered units, how much, the total number, the bank what to wear, NPWP, addresses a clear customer, and I've done that, "he explained.
However, according to Tatang, the main capital an entrepreneur is the determination and confidence. While financial capital can be realized in many ways. Including by working together with investors, donors, or others. Because it's been a lot of institutions that channel working capital financing in the form of loans or grants (grants).
The government had also started to promote credit programs for small businesses through the People's Business Credit (KUR) and the National Community Empowerment Program Mandiri (PNPM). Financing system in the form of grants which is bustling is one of them.
This is usually provided by international donors such as USAID,
AUSAID with the amount of funds from hundreds of millions to billions of rupiah. But the program is generally funded form of social entrepreneurship.
Gallery founder Dindin Komarudin Ka'Qta is one example of an entrepreneur is often a winner in an effort to get grants from donor agencies. In addition, institutions such as the IBL also provides grants for start-up capital would-be entrepreneurs who successfully pass the selection through the Young Entrepreneur Start-up (YES) with a magnitude of about Rp10-20 million per business. (abdul malik / Islahuddin / Faizin aslam)