
Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Success of the youth to learn the ancient Chinese

3 Key Secrets to Success 

3000 years ago, the floating of ancient China live in the houses on the water. They dined in the open air.

Each family lived on the stage in a bay. When a boy was growing up, she would stand at the edge of the stage and called. The girl who loved to call him back. Then he would build a bridge from stage to stage the girl.

If the family of the boy liked the girl, they will help build the bridge. Both of their houses will be combined and the two families will be one.

On one day, a young man floating heard whispers from above the firmament. Whisper it came from a girl who lived far away. They call each other in a long time. They decided to get married.

The boy's family said no. The girl came from different circles and too far away. But the boy insisted. He began to build a bridge to horizon. He dug deep into the seabed to build a strong foundation.

His family did not help. They said, the tradition of marrying a neighbor gave strength to their community.
They named the bridge the young man "Whisper Bridge". They told him to stop building it. But the boy did not care. He built the bridge for eight years.

When the bridge is finished, he met the girl who whispered from horizon. They were married on the bridge that special.

The next year, a big storm coming hit. The storm destroyed the house of a floating stage.

But the bridge remained steady whisper!

And so it is with us. Objects that require a long time to build it would take too long to destroy it.

Doing something that can not be done is difficult. But after he finished, it can no longer be interrupted. To ensure that the old tradition can still maintain its strength, change.
(Pearl East Policy, by C. F. Wong)

Success Keys

For me, the story is very impressive. Its meaning is very deep. In the story, you are able to grasp the meanings extraordinary.

For those of you who want business success, the story of the ancient Chinese bridges, should give you inspiration and encouragement. In the story, contained the keys to lasting success.

Keys indisputable. He has repeatedly used by all (all!) A success. No matter how successful people are used to poor, disabled, discriminated against, stupid, suicide, or something else.

Keys that have helped them. Keys the same will continue to help those who really want to succeed.

What are the keys to success in the story? I find there are three primary:

1. Clear objectives.
2. Dare to change the tradition
3. Endless patience.

1. Clear objectives.

The purpose of the youth is clear. He must connect his house with her dream house with a bridge.

The boy knew, the bridge length. So he built a very strong bridge. Therefore, the bridge must be built with a very deep foundation into the seabed. Precise calculations. The bridge was hit by a storm resistant.

Obviously very important purpose in the business. This is the beginning of all business stories. Does your business goals? Is money and wealth? Or position of honor? Popularity? Or proving yourself? Or what?

I offer, make your business goals are: To give great benefit to others by using the abundant wealth. So, it's business to get rich. Have money and wealth. But money and wealth is only a tool. Tools to provide benefits for sesame.

So, make your income Rp. 5 billion per month. Then you can build a free hospital, free education, scholarships, small business investment, and so on. Anyway, your goal is to provide benefits for others. That way your life will be calm and happy.

Your brain will work according to your goals. If your goal Rp. 100 million, then your brain will work at the level of Rp. 100 million. Try setting goals Rp. 1 million, then your brain will work one-tenth. Therefore, high-set business objectives. With it, your brain and your actions will follow.

After setting your goals, be careful on the Dream Thief. Thieves Dreams are the people who try to steal your goals. They block you. They weaken your spirit. They said the problems and risks will you face. They also give you a picture of failure.

If you heed them, I am sure you will stop. The youth of China will stop building the bridge when he heard the words of his family to stop and just looking for a wife from neighbors only. The boy's family had a dream to become a thief. Fortunately, the boy did not listen.

Have you ever wanted to meet a girl / guy who appeals to you? So you want to move, you hear the negative voices in your head. You follow those negative voices. You must stop moving.

At best you just looked at from a distance. You can imagine how good acquaintances. But you are still not moving. But once you think: "I'll know. No matter what happens. Shame, shame dah. "Jreng you had to act.

2. Dare Changing Tradition

The Chinese boy living in a tradition. Married with neighbors. But he would not accept the tradition. He change. He wanted something unusual.

Therefore, he became extraordinary people. Although for that, he must pay the price. Not supported the family in the amount of work.

In many traditions alive. Eg high school, can work fine. Many people who want a business but did not dare to change that tradition. Finally it was buried and desire lost. They surrendered to the tradition. They chose to be the one mediocre.

The choice is on you. Do you really want to achieve your goals above. If you really want, then you must pay the price.

Pricing objectives follow the objectives. If your goal is low, the price is too low. If your goal is high, the price is too high.

If you want income Rp.100 million per month, you can not get it by being an employee. You have to do business. Although with so you have to fight to change a lot of tradition. Especially tradition in your own mind.

In every human being, there are mental barriers. Does the shape of doubt, fear, lack confidence, and so on. When these mental obstacles arise, then you must be a sagging morale and fear of risk. You tend to retreat to the rear.

To overcome this problem, you should focus on your goals. practical way, you shout your goal repeatedly. The young Chinese did. Doubt and fear him. But he focused on the goal. His desire to marry the girl idol, burning more enthusiasm.

The second way, remember when you give up you have to start fighting from the beginning. That condition is worse than continuing the struggle.

The third way, remember that all the bad things that must be passed. How difficult it was you right now, all the sorrow it will pass. You will recall that as a hardship beautiful thing.

The fourth, gather with people who have successfully overcome the mental barriers in him. Spending time with people who never gave up will affect your self.

The fifth way, read the life stories of successful people. Learn what's their secret.

The sixth way, look around you. Find the people fail. Consider the suffering of their lives. Remember if you do not want to suffer like them, you have to do differently with them.

3. No End patience.
The Youth to build the bridge for 8 years. That means he worked hard for it. He also had to overcome a block family. And most importantly, he had to overcome doubts in himself.

The young Chinese success. He achieved success because he was patient THERE'S NO END.

He patiently worked. He patiently held the obstacles parents. He patiently overcome the technical problems the bridge construction. He patiently waited for her lover. The lovers were waiting impatiently. What happens if the boy can not wait? He will bury goal! He will find a neighbor girl alone. That way, he just needs to build a short bridge. It also assisted the family.
That's what happened with the businessman who can not wait. Various problems he faced made him give up trying. Finally, he buried his dream.

Many people who have started a business, then stopped when problems arise. When business fell, the family is not supportive, more competitive businesses, consumers complain, suplay cheating, and so they stopped. Instead of thinking and acting to address them. Duh, ...

I have a friend who is not impatient. Business continued to change. One time he opened convection. Er, three months later, he became a business instead of insurance agents. Not yet two months, he changed again so the aquarium business. Not long ago, he switched to the multimedia business.

I tell her: "If you do not wait in one area of business, you will not be successful. Patience and troubleshoot ". I just hope he did.

Patient's weight. But do not be patient, much harder. When you stop trying to achieve your goal, you must start again from scratch. In addition, the more often you stop trying to reach the goal, the goal for a long time you will fall.

For example your initial goal is Rp. 100 million per month. Your business is vouchers. You've tried but not succeeded. You also decided to stop. Well, when you will do business again, you must reduce your destination. "It's been proven Rp. 100 million can not be achieved. Therefore, my goal now is to Rp. 50 million. "

Duh, ... a failure to make a goal down 50%. Moreover, if should fail like Thomas Alva Edison. He failed 10,000 times. Fortunately, Edison patient. The goal has not changed. He must find the right metal for the bulb.

Patient the right to be smart. What does it mean? If one way to achieve the goal fails, the patient to perform a different way. If you still think the same way, then surely the same actions. If you act the same, then surely the same result. That is why the patient must be smart. That means keep thinking other ways different to get different results.

Herein lies the importance of creativity in the patient. If you are patient but not creative, then you will like the donkey that had fallen many times in the same hole.

You will fail many times, but you do not learn from failure. Your failure so as nothing. You are so totally failed. People wait, be smart. Be creative.

Patient and creative people will get different results from ordinary people. Business will grow better. Patience makes them quiet a problem. Creative enable them to continue to find a solution to various problems that occur.


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