When we were together my friends have been trying hard to market testing guidance the first time, but we can only 2 students. Many people who claim that this is a failure, but we only respond that not only match what we expect. Most of us with results that are inconsistent with expectations to do is stop trying again. Silent stunned by blaming the environment. Ways to address this failure to distinguish between successful people and those who fail. Successful people get up and tries again, while those who fail to fall asleep in that place and never rise again.
With results in just 2 students, we do not give up, but rose again to try another strategy. The strategy we tried was to give a free three neighbors in the language of religion is charity. Nevertheless the three of them require to carry motorcycles, so when there are 6 motorcycles guidance consisting of 5 1 motorcycle and bicycle tutor to appear has been no activity. The next strategy is to open an office on the day of the week. "Pak Yanto. We open on Sundays yes "said Mr. Purdi. "Good idea. Usually people out of town to Yogya "I added. On the day week, we both showered in the morning, dressed unusually relaxed - relaxed.
We open the office, while cleaning the room and tidy up the tables and chairs so space where bird registration and more orderly classes. A leader concurrently a Customer Service. Miracles happen, suddenly there are 14 students from Holy register and the first time in a single day to register 14 students. The higher the confidence of management, plus want to run other ideas. After the emergence of the idea to convene Try Out enter universities using its deliberations about a new model, namely the question of Integrated Science and Social Science. Try Out From marketing results go along with discussion of State Universities are producing students who follow the guidance of these tests a number of 62 students.
The next idea is the Guidance Test "Collateral Received" the guidance of a test when no received at the State University does not pay as "collateral", because understanding of acceptable collateral received and secured differently. Secured received at PTN understanding must be received at PTN, PTN was collateral accepted in its understanding not necessarily accepted in the PTN, if not accepted in the PTN, do not pay tuition as collateral. So that we do not fuss provide classrooms, then the entry in the tests and taken the good ones from high school or turns out Favourites, so predictable, that the incoming PTN reached 92%. Incredible. Jump Primagama name exploded. But all of the failures in advance, by making a correction, fix yourself and come back to try again and finally just worked.
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