
Kamis, 15 April 2010

Correction, Fix Up and Try Again

By: M. Suyanto

When we were together my friends have been trying hard to market testing guidance the first time, but we can only 2 students. Many people who claim that this is a failure, but we only respond that not only match what we expect. Most of us with results that are inconsistent with expectations to do is stop trying again. Silent stunned by blaming the environment. Ways to address this failure to distinguish between successful people and those who fail. Successful people get up and tries again, while those who fail to fall asleep in that place and never rise again. 

With results in just 2 students, we do not give up, but rose again to try another strategy. The strategy we tried was to give a free three neighbors in the language of religion is charity. Nevertheless the three of them require to carry motorcycles, so when there are 6 motorcycles guidance consisting of 5 1 motorcycle and bicycle tutor to appear has been no activity. The next strategy is to open an office on the day of the week. "Pak Yanto. We open on Sundays yes "said Mr. Purdi. "Good idea. Usually people out of town to Yogya "I added. On the day week, we both showered in the morning, dressed unusually relaxed - relaxed. 
We open the office, while cleaning the room and tidy up the tables and chairs so space where bird registration and more orderly classes. A leader concurrently a Customer Service. Miracles happen, suddenly there are 14 students from Holy register and the first time in a single day to register 14 students. The higher the confidence of management, plus want to run other ideas. After the emergence of the idea to convene Try Out enter universities using its deliberations about a new model, namely the question of Integrated Science and Social Science. Try Out From marketing results go along with discussion of State Universities are producing students who follow the guidance of these tests a number of 62 students. 

The next idea is the Guidance Test "Collateral Received" the guidance of a test when no received at the State University does not pay as "collateral", because understanding of acceptable collateral received and secured differently. Secured received at PTN understanding must be received at PTN, PTN was collateral accepted in its understanding not necessarily accepted in the PTN, if not accepted in the PTN, do not pay tuition as collateral. So that we do not fuss provide classrooms, then the entry in the tests and taken the good ones from high school or turns out Favourites, so predictable, that the incoming PTN reached 92%. Incredible. Jump Primagama name exploded. But all of the failures in advance, by making a correction, fix yourself and come back to try again and finally just worked.
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Failure That Are Not There

 By: M. Suyanto 

After having a positive mental attitude as the foundation to become entrepreneur, creating and trying to chase a dream, take a step with start a business without money, know the secrets of business inflated, then step The fourth is to accept failure as a lesson. Failure is a label that we often associate with an action that did not work and so applied, these labels make us say people who are not able or person failed. This decreases our enthusiasm to be successful.  

At the moment we are still small, the failure has no meaning, because we do not have the concept of "failure". If we have the concept of failure, then we do not will be able to speak, because we can only weep. If we want to drink mother's milk, then we just cry, the mother of us already know. When urinating, chills or hot enough to cry immediately responded by parents. Start a word which not clearly out of his mouth, although it is unclear both our parents are not consider that a failure, even the opposite is the success, they have been very happy, so that finally we can talk.  

Similarly, the bias is only sleep supine, prone, sitting, starting crawling, walking exercises with innumerable falls. People around do not sneer when he fell, not insults when crying in pain, but embraced, kissed, rocked, entertain and motivate people to learn to walk again with difficulty, but finally we can run. If the small time, we have the concept of "failure" then we will never be able to speak, walk, writing, reading and so forth. We are very fortunate and thankful to God have parents who do not teach the concept of "failure" as a kid. Indeed, the real failure is "no", only the results are not in accordance with what we want or failure is merely feedback to reach the success or failure is merely an information that we need and try to dig deeper so that we can utilize to success.  

My experience when I first taught by Grandma selling kedondong me, so I left early to sell kedodong school, then holding a newspaper and peddling kedondong over the newspaper. From 6 hours morning until 7am, when the bell was rung school admission, none I bought kedondong. Then I pack the merchandise I, kedondong with the newspaper as a base to sell, I include school backpacks. In our language, no one to buy is a "failure", but actually provide feedback or information, no one bought kedodong in the morning, for fear of eating kedodong if stomach pain or information that since early morning had breakfast, then it is full, and so forth. When break time came, I wares again. There are two little girls of my friend who bought the same class kedondong, probably felt sorry for me. "How Yan cost?" They asked. "Five rupiah can be three" I replied. "Diibuhi huh?" They ask for more. "Yes. Please "I replied. Two little girls who buy kedondong that's me. From there, Yanto was no longer sell small kedodong in the morning, he finally sold kedodong in the daytime or in the afternoon. Likewise in the business world, we can also using a concept which does not recognize such failures during childhood, then God willing we will succeed in managing the business.
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The 5 C’s of Team Success

By Paul Rutter

Whether you work in a large company with thousands of employees or a small office with only two staff members, teamwork is vital for your organization’s success. Without teamwork, people drift off following their own agendas, allowing the company’s goals to stagnate. But when effective teamwork is in place, everyone directs their energies towards a single focus, and they typically achieve amazing results. But for many managers, the question is, how do you build a solid team of people who work well together and move the company forward? Even though a horde of business books preach teamwork principles, many managers still find themselves directing individuals and playing referee rather than leading one cohesive unit—one winning team. 
Fortunately, building a winning team isn’t as complicated as it often seems. If you’re ready to build a true team that’s geared for success, then all you need to do is follow the five C’s of teamwork.

1. Build Community – As a manager, you need to make sure everyone feels that they’re a part of the team. Realize that this process starts before a new person joins your team. For example, during the interview process, you can introduce qualified candidates to the other team members so they can get an idea of their potential new co-workers. When you hire someone, rather than just make an offer of employment, you can also explain what they can expect to encounter at your company—its culture, its values, its guiding principles. Once someone accepts an offer of employment, you can give him or her a welcome packet that details everything about the work environment and team expectations. Then, on the person’s first day, hook the new employee up with a “buddy” who can show the newbie around and help the person adapt. The more you can “bring someone into the fold,” the better he or she will adjust and feel a part of the group. Realize that the first two to four weeks of someone’s employment are critical for instilling that team spirit. If someone feels that they’re not a part of the team after the first four weeks, the person will likely leave.

2. Encourage Cooperation – To encourage a sense of teamwork, make sure everyone knows both the short- and long-term goals of the department and the company. Those people who have been at the company a long time may even have a say in the goals. At the very least, people need to have a say in the approach to meeting the goals. Even if you don’t enact someone’s suggestion, let people voice their opinions and really listen to what they have to say. When people know that they’re being heard (even if their suggestions cannot be enacted) they feel a greater sense of involvement in the company’s direction.

3. Support Coordination – Let each person know how he or she fits in to the company’s big picture. Detail what each person is responsible for and how that person’s actions and duties impact the company as a whole. Be sure that each person accepts the needed responsibilities of his or her job and is accountable for his or her actions. Everyone is there to do a particular job, so remind people of that fact and what their particular job is. A big part of coordination is making sure everyone is actually present to do his or her needed job. So in order to not hear excuses for why something didn’t get done, make sure you define to your team the unacceptable excuses for poor performance upfront. Obviously we all make mistakes and are
human, but we can’t allow people to repeat the same mistakes over and over and use the same excuses continually.

4. Promote Communication – If you want people to feel that they’re part of a team, then they need to be informed. Therefore, make sure everyone knows what’s going on that week, that month, or for that next project. Proper communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and working for the same goals. To encourage communication, have short meetings to bring everyone up to date. If possible, keep meetings to no longer than twenty minutes. Long meetings drain everyone’s energy and tax their attention spans. During these short meetings, make sure everyone has an opportunity to speak. This does not mean that you force everyone to speak; simply make it known that everyone has the opportunity to offer their perspective or voice their concerns.

5. Offer Continuous Coaching – When you coach people, either within departmental guidelines or within their particular job duties, you send a message that says, “You’re important.” Additionally, if someone has been at the company for a long time, you could coach that person for the future position he or she wants. Your team needs to know that coaching is available and that you promote from within. Why? Because people are willing to do more when they know training opportunities are available and that there’s room for advancement. Coaching creates a positive outlook for the team and your guidance helps your team meet goals. The more you train or coach people, the more they’ll meet goals and seek out more challenging assignments.
Team Success Starts with You No matter how large or small your team is, realize that teamwork rarely happens overnight. That’s why you need to consistently lead by example. That is, if you want to instill teamwork, you need to be willing to do whatever task you’re asking your staff to do. You also need to focus on the positive things people do to encourage more of it. So do the right things and acknowledge when others do things right. Before you know it, you’ll have a winning team that seamlessly works together, achieving amazing results that propel the company forward. Paul Rutter is the founder and owner of Smooth Sailing Communication, Inc., a unique consultancy focusing on corporate training and executive coaching. After 15 years as a cruise director on some of the world's largest cruise ships, Paul now lends his knowledge and insight to companies across the nation and helps them to apply creative solutions to everyday problems. For more information about Paul’s consulting, 
please visit
www.SmoothSailingCommunication.com or call 305-205-1782

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Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Starting a Business Strategy: Hobbies

Hobby is something he likes. You can start a business from a hobby. Many successful entrepreneurs started from a hobby. In the science of psychology of success, the success of the 2000 study, found 80 percent are people who loved what he did. Factors like the success of energy presents a tremendous impetus. Like Bill Gates; as a young man has a hobby of computers and do it with diligence, to become a successful business and the richest in the world.

Mooryati Soedibyo start a business from a hobby. "As the Princess Palace since I was familiar with herbal medicine and love to make herbal medicine. I made herbal health care for themselves and family. I also used to help my friends to make herbal medicine before the wedding day needs, herbal medicine for before and after childbirth, and so on. This is all I do is familial or social only. After moving to Jakarta, was still a lot of friends who like to order my herbal medicine, and they provide a replacement cost of medicinal materials are. "Mother said Mooryati Soedibyo, founder and owner of PT. Mustika Ratu. At first he made herbal medicine for health care in the form of fresh drinks, such as kencur rice, turmeric, tamarind, and so on. Only then did she make the other herbs according to your needs and requests. Now PT.Mustika Queen has helped reduce unemployment, with around 3000 hiring of labor. This business also became the pride of Indonesia as one of the top quality products are based, are made, and the resources generated from Indonesia, who favored abroad.

Similarly, Martha Tilaar start a business from a hobby too. Martha Tilaar like small children, because until the age of 40 years do not have kids. Also encouraged because the scholarship of $ 250 per month to lecture at Indiana University, is not enough to live together. So Martha Tilaar opening daycare business. Marketing done by attaching an announcement on the campus of Indiana University that its contents "I am a Baby Sitter, willing to accommodate infants and children". The result came 13 foster children ranging from infants to the already sitting in elementary school. They entrust their children, as a class. From this child care business, Martha Tilaar obtain her husband's income exceeds the scholarship. From the results of this effort, used to go to the Academy of Beauty Culture in Bloomington, Indiana. After graduating from beauty school, Martha Tilaar announced on campus is no longer a baby sitter, but as a beauty expert on call to serve beauty. Calls flooded Martha Tilaar new business. In 1972, after returning from America, his parents' garage narrow, transformed into a beauty salon with the name Martha's Salon. Martha Tilaar introduce mixed traditional herbal medicine alone in her salon and he as a guinea pig. Proved fruitless. As he waited for the birth of her baby, abruptly canceled his partner cooperation, expressed out to establish their own business. These bitter memories, he was grateful to "God is great. I have a baby, but my efforts failed ". But from this failure, Martha turned it into a success it is today. Even Martha Tilaar is the only woman in Indonesia who John Naisbitt in his book "Megatrends Asia".

By M. Suyanto
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Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Self Development: By Design or By Accident

Human self development happens all the time. Is anyone doing development consciously or not, the process of development continues.

The development site itself is intended to make the process of self development is carried out by design. You plan your own self! Because if you do not plan it, then the others and the environment that will do it for you. Of course the existence of their interests. It's called self-development by accident.

Self-development by design to make you like a fish in the sea. Body (self and your soul) not only because of salty sea water (environment) of salt. The fish will be salted if he was dead. That's what happens to anyone that the development itself by accident.

So, develop your self with a clear plan. To do this, use is great strengths in yourself:
1. Awareness: Be aware of what is kept and how it yourself.
2. Freedom Select: Select is our thoughts, feelings & decisions that support you.
3. Confidence: Sure is and the magic will become a habit for you.

by: Supardi lee
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Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Instructions or signals are always there around us

Develop a level of awareness in everyday life
In the reality of our lives everyday, so many signals or instructions from God the Almighty on us each useful for self-development process. Instructions or signal is often overlooked by us for granted.

There is an interesting story that I experienced a few moments ago. This story happened during a meeting with my old friend, we call it as a mother Jackie, in at a restaurant in a mall in South Jakarta numbers. The meeting between two friends and family who have not seen for so long would normally carry a lot of stories. As for work, the children and stories about old friends who had seldom any other meet.

But of all the nostalgia and stories that, for some reason there is a story, which is always repeated by the mother Jackie, namely the faithful servant, call it as mbok ipeh. These assistants have many years with them, since they were first married. Although very loyal and hardworking, there is one less thing that they enjoy from the ipeh Mbok. He often complained.

Ibu Yanti told (many times and with the spirit) that is complaining mboknya in any case, can complain in small or large. For example when Jackie's mother came home shopping and bring soap bonus small size, mbok ipeh accepted by grumbling, saying "that store, ngasih small gift like this ... kok very stingy". Or at any other time, when Jackie's mother cat has been throwing dirt even places that have been determined, mbok aja ipeh still complaining and grumbling that the cat feces, thus, so and so. Or at any other time, when Jackie's mother buy food, mbok ipeh often complained that the newly purchased food is less tasty and so forth, and so on ... ..

In fact these stories frequently heard and the above happens in our lives everyday.
And our family just smiled listening to it.

But eventually I had to answer when Jackie's mother asked directly to me,
"How tuh? deh annoyed me, yes there are ways to reduce the nature of guns Mbok? ", I was forced to give answers,
"You're doing just now?"
"Yes ... the story of my mbok ... how??" Mother Jackie said with a little pissed off.
"The story or complaining?" I asked him
"Hmmmm ... .. the story, but, also yes ... sigh. Hahahahaha" mother Jackie said, slapping his own head.

Next I tried to explain to the mother Jackie that we should always try to see the signal and introspective. Mbok ipeh with personality-nature, which always exist in reality life for herself the mother Jackie was, consciously or unconsciously are made Yanti own mother, she is attractive mbok ipeh in life., And mbok ipeh could be a reflection or a reflection of the mother Jackie alone. Mbok ipeh can be a hint or a signal for the mother Jackie for introspection and look within himself. Ibu Yanti could unknowingly was a complainer, too.

Answering the question of our friends about mbok ipeh, finally I can only advise him to keep reminding mbok ipeh to not complain and always be grateful.

Next I told the mother Jackie, that's more important is that she should always be grateful to accept the situation, whatever its form and in any case. By always grateful, he would, as it also eliminates the complaints that there was in him.

Grateful is the most powerful weapon in increasing the positive energy and awareness in our lives.

And of course the most interesting part of it is, that in addition to mbok ipeh is a signal for the mother Jackie, we, too, get a signal from the mother Jackie.
He is a signal for me alone, or also perhaps make my family members who were at the meeting and listen to my mother Jackie told me ..

Maybe we are still often complain or still less awareness to always be grateful. With the mother Jackie, we get the signal to increase our awareness of qualities that are in need of repair.

There are many simple stories that happen around our lives everyday. And you are like me, would often experience. But perhaps you and I often spent just a really simple events may carry clues or signals for the development of ourselves.
Usually we are much easier to recognize the signal or the instructions of God that is more "excited" and pass a simple visible signal according to our perception.

But the signal is fixed signal, the instructions are still instructions, either simple or excited. What is needed is to increase our awareness or consciousness of the instructions or signals. We must be more sensitive to hear and feel, and accept it as an input in the process to improve ourselves in enjoying the experience of life we are living it. 

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Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Self motivation - Tips for success

4 Ways To Stay Motivated

Being successful is the dream of all people. Of course, this requires a strong motivation to overcome challenges to achieve what you want. This motivation must be grown from within ourselves. You could have read hundreds of books or go to dozens of seminars to get an injection of motivation, but what often happens is an increase in emotional moment for change. This may last one or two weeks and after that you feel everything back into mediocrity like the old conditions. Ever feel that way?

"The motivation is that your trees flush with self-discipline"

How do you stay motivated to work to reach the desired goal? The bottom line motivation is the art of communicating with oneself. This communication involves the feeling that you feel the emotions that arise.

So what's the difference between feelings and emotions?

This example, if you feel guilty about the emotions that come to fear being judged, to escape, and so on. If you feel happy, emotions can be a joy, joy, desire to share, etc.. Emotions arise as a result of the feelings that occur within themselves.

So easy to live really motivated. The key is to feel things that are happy and who will imagine the success you achieve. I guarantee you'll be motivated to work.

In addition there are a few tips that I want to give to get you motivated anytime, anywhere:

1. Always consistent

Ease arises from the habit. Motivation was the same. He needs discipline, so you get used to life with motivation. There is a good phrase that says, "Something that you repeat every day for 21 days will become a habit". I encourage you to practice. Start with simple things like smiling in front of the mirror, say "Yes" before work, and many more.

2. Responsible

You need someone who will remind you to remain in the destination. He served to provide support and become a partner to brainstorm ideas and ideas that you have. From here you will feel a responsibility to provide the best for her. The process of achieving goals is easier with the presence of someone who becomes a mirror of yourself.

3. Surround yourself with people who are oriented the same

If you want lose weight, make sure you're with friends who have similar goals. If you want to build businesses, Make friends with people who've been in the business world or those who want to start a business. You can get the energy and motivation from them. It would be very easy to be motivated when you get support. How do you feel as an obstacle when working alone can be overcome with the help and support of friends the same vision.

4. Focus on process, not a destination

This is very important. Often you down mentally when faced with adversity to reach the goal. Focus on the process. Each process takes time. For some quick, some slow. Your goal is clear, but the journey to get there can be winding and up and down. With a focus on the process you avoid the mental burden because now you have control over the process itself, rather than controlled by the target to achieve the goal.

Now you better know that motivation is the key to success. All you need now is a strong willingness to apply it in everyday life. Like what the saying goes "There's a will there's a way". Good work and do not forget to appreciate yourself in every moment that the slightest success.


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Corporate Slave: A Modern-day Forced Labor?

Understanding the totality of Work 

A few months ago, the words slave or slave to corporate companies, came to me again. These words spoken by my nephew, which at that time I asked about her plans to spend time at the end of that week. The answer he was "well ... can not go everywhere, to the office, no work to be done, ordinary corporate slaves .... ....", the answer is actually joked a lot of meaning. My nephew said it, not because he's unpreparedness to deliver the best on the job and duty, but an expression that, as an office clerk, he had a responsibility to complete her task, and that, if necessary, should he do when holiday weekend though, because forced or no command. He likens himself like a corporate slave ...

It was a tradition of this earth, when we have reached a certain age and with a certain degree, the time has come for us to look for jobs at the company. Of course, usually the company or government agency that is best targeted by each of us to make a living and get the best career. But tradition or custom work for a company, or an employee of a company, not necessarily the best for each of us, this also applies to the tradition or other common habit in society in everyday life. It could be an employee of a company, where we will serve the enterprise is the biggest mistake we did. Because possible for each of us, there are still other ways to improve our lives by getting a living by not being an employee of the company.

This paper does not intend to discredit the people who become company employees, but just sharing that wherever we work, we must give our totality, but we must also accept the results of our totality of the wage in terms of broad, the equivalent, which provide total satisfaction within ourselves. Especially in our self-development.

It's very rooted in the lives of most of mankind, that being an employee of a company is the safest action for a living and to ensure and support the continuation of life. But is this true? Are we positioned ourselves at any time, with or without realizing it, with or without cause, at the ready position for the termination by the company, is the most secure in our lives for a living and support our lives?

Of course the answer lies in ourselves, how we work, discipline and so is the best guarantee that we have when working in a company. But obviously it was not guarantee 100% that an employee is the only way to make a living and live our lives. You will be guaranteed if you are in full control, and an employee is a person who is controlled, in this case by the company.

Being a corporate employee is a process of barter between the time that we give of energy and thoughts with wages that we receive from the company. These wages can be salary, health benefits, transportation allowance or a car, house and so on. So we will receive a reward when we give our energy and thoughts on the company. What if we're not giving our energy and thoughts on the company, such as vacations, family gatherings or even sleep? Does the moments that we should not or can not get a wage? Do we have to get a wage when we work alone? What do we do with energy and thoughts outside of work hours should not be rewarded? Perhaps your answer is fine, it is called odd job. But there will be a give input that do things like that will not give us the totality of the company, may arise "conflict of interest" and so on. So if the barter that occurs as we give our time and thoughts of power and in return we give, we receive a reward from the company's best barter? What about the other time in our lives?

Is there another way?

Of course there is, and the most important thing is, make the "time" that we have in life into something that has "value".

We must create a system to "time" we give "value" is more to others and this should be rolled continuously, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We must also create passive income or passive income from the time in our lives. This can be anything, such as building a company, building sites and blogs, or others. What is important is that what was done, since the beginning, will always to our revenue stream, whether it was we handle directly or indirectly.

There is also the opinion that by working at a company, we will gain a life. But keep in mind that the experience we have in our work as an employee of a company is the experience of working in our work environment itself. Meanwhile, life experiences, we always get either an employee of our company or not. And work experience that we get at a company where we work, is usually limited and is always a rehash with spices accompanied modifications here and there. And could be without us knowing it, we become a person who is in a cage that can freely move about.

Back to my niece early this writing, I had asked him
"Are you really enjoy or enjoy the job, whether that's what you want, you should ask yourself the deepest in to be the correct answer. Forget tradition and try to see the other perspective ". This I ask, because without a conscious, though in a joking, he had declared himself as a corporate slave ......

Two weeks later, my niece told me that, after reflection and deep thought, he decided to quit his job. Of course this makes me surprised for a moment. But according to him, his parents were very supportive of what to do. Wise old man.
And he admitted that so far, in fact he was not happy and did not enjoy the job. As a young age, he will try to reflect himself, what to do next. He thought that the possibility to go to college at a higher level, perhaps the best alternative right now for him.

Of course, as my uncle, after a startled moment, I felt proud of my nephew. He is still young it was discovered that he had to get wages according to what he did, and with no clear he enjoys his work did not get the appropriate response. It could be that of "material" or anything else. Obviously he did not enjoy.

What will the rest of my nephew, is the right of his own. He has full freedom to carry on his life experiences.

Does it go back to school, working for companies or maybe he's ready for:

    * Not going back to his boss saying "sorry sir", although the error lies in the work itself superior foolishness.
    * No more begging for a salary increase on the company and are ready to target any "salary" that wants to receive, and act only with permission himself.
    * No longer willing to accept rules that are sometimes irrational, and work more freely
    * Be happy without being employees and establish their own business.

All the answers were of course on my own niece. Only he who knows what is best for him, to be a corporate slave or not ...

The important thing he must do the totality of what he was doing, and enjoying the totality of which he has given.

Are you ready to ask yourself?

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Success of the youth to learn the ancient Chinese

3 Key Secrets to Success 

3000 years ago, the floating of ancient China live in the houses on the water. They dined in the open air.

Each family lived on the stage in a bay. When a boy was growing up, she would stand at the edge of the stage and called. The girl who loved to call him back. Then he would build a bridge from stage to stage the girl.

If the family of the boy liked the girl, they will help build the bridge. Both of their houses will be combined and the two families will be one.

On one day, a young man floating heard whispers from above the firmament. Whisper it came from a girl who lived far away. They call each other in a long time. They decided to get married.

The boy's family said no. The girl came from different circles and too far away. But the boy insisted. He began to build a bridge to horizon. He dug deep into the seabed to build a strong foundation.

His family did not help. They said, the tradition of marrying a neighbor gave strength to their community.
They named the bridge the young man "Whisper Bridge". They told him to stop building it. But the boy did not care. He built the bridge for eight years.

When the bridge is finished, he met the girl who whispered from horizon. They were married on the bridge that special.

The next year, a big storm coming hit. The storm destroyed the house of a floating stage.

But the bridge remained steady whisper!

And so it is with us. Objects that require a long time to build it would take too long to destroy it.

Doing something that can not be done is difficult. But after he finished, it can no longer be interrupted. To ensure that the old tradition can still maintain its strength, change.
(Pearl East Policy, by C. F. Wong)

Success Keys

For me, the story is very impressive. Its meaning is very deep. In the story, you are able to grasp the meanings extraordinary.

For those of you who want business success, the story of the ancient Chinese bridges, should give you inspiration and encouragement. In the story, contained the keys to lasting success.

Keys indisputable. He has repeatedly used by all (all!) A success. No matter how successful people are used to poor, disabled, discriminated against, stupid, suicide, or something else.

Keys that have helped them. Keys the same will continue to help those who really want to succeed.

What are the keys to success in the story? I find there are three primary:

1. Clear objectives.
2. Dare to change the tradition
3. Endless patience.

1. Clear objectives.

The purpose of the youth is clear. He must connect his house with her dream house with a bridge.

The boy knew, the bridge length. So he built a very strong bridge. Therefore, the bridge must be built with a very deep foundation into the seabed. Precise calculations. The bridge was hit by a storm resistant.

Obviously very important purpose in the business. This is the beginning of all business stories. Does your business goals? Is money and wealth? Or position of honor? Popularity? Or proving yourself? Or what?

I offer, make your business goals are: To give great benefit to others by using the abundant wealth. So, it's business to get rich. Have money and wealth. But money and wealth is only a tool. Tools to provide benefits for sesame.

So, make your income Rp. 5 billion per month. Then you can build a free hospital, free education, scholarships, small business investment, and so on. Anyway, your goal is to provide benefits for others. That way your life will be calm and happy.

Your brain will work according to your goals. If your goal Rp. 100 million, then your brain will work at the level of Rp. 100 million. Try setting goals Rp. 1 million, then your brain will work one-tenth. Therefore, high-set business objectives. With it, your brain and your actions will follow.

After setting your goals, be careful on the Dream Thief. Thieves Dreams are the people who try to steal your goals. They block you. They weaken your spirit. They said the problems and risks will you face. They also give you a picture of failure.

If you heed them, I am sure you will stop. The youth of China will stop building the bridge when he heard the words of his family to stop and just looking for a wife from neighbors only. The boy's family had a dream to become a thief. Fortunately, the boy did not listen.

Have you ever wanted to meet a girl / guy who appeals to you? So you want to move, you hear the negative voices in your head. You follow those negative voices. You must stop moving.

At best you just looked at from a distance. You can imagine how good acquaintances. But you are still not moving. But once you think: "I'll know. No matter what happens. Shame, shame dah. "Jreng you had to act.

2. Dare Changing Tradition

The Chinese boy living in a tradition. Married with neighbors. But he would not accept the tradition. He change. He wanted something unusual.

Therefore, he became extraordinary people. Although for that, he must pay the price. Not supported the family in the amount of work.

In many traditions alive. Eg high school, can work fine. Many people who want a business but did not dare to change that tradition. Finally it was buried and desire lost. They surrendered to the tradition. They chose to be the one mediocre.

The choice is on you. Do you really want to achieve your goals above. If you really want, then you must pay the price.

Pricing objectives follow the objectives. If your goal is low, the price is too low. If your goal is high, the price is too high.

If you want income Rp.100 million per month, you can not get it by being an employee. You have to do business. Although with so you have to fight to change a lot of tradition. Especially tradition in your own mind.

In every human being, there are mental barriers. Does the shape of doubt, fear, lack confidence, and so on. When these mental obstacles arise, then you must be a sagging morale and fear of risk. You tend to retreat to the rear.

To overcome this problem, you should focus on your goals. practical way, you shout your goal repeatedly. The young Chinese did. Doubt and fear him. But he focused on the goal. His desire to marry the girl idol, burning more enthusiasm.

The second way, remember when you give up you have to start fighting from the beginning. That condition is worse than continuing the struggle.

The third way, remember that all the bad things that must be passed. How difficult it was you right now, all the sorrow it will pass. You will recall that as a hardship beautiful thing.

The fourth, gather with people who have successfully overcome the mental barriers in him. Spending time with people who never gave up will affect your self.

The fifth way, read the life stories of successful people. Learn what's their secret.

The sixth way, look around you. Find the people fail. Consider the suffering of their lives. Remember if you do not want to suffer like them, you have to do differently with them.

3. No End patience.
The Youth to build the bridge for 8 years. That means he worked hard for it. He also had to overcome a block family. And most importantly, he had to overcome doubts in himself.

The young Chinese success. He achieved success because he was patient THERE'S NO END.

He patiently worked. He patiently held the obstacles parents. He patiently overcome the technical problems the bridge construction. He patiently waited for her lover. The lovers were waiting impatiently. What happens if the boy can not wait? He will bury goal! He will find a neighbor girl alone. That way, he just needs to build a short bridge. It also assisted the family.
That's what happened with the businessman who can not wait. Various problems he faced made him give up trying. Finally, he buried his dream.

Many people who have started a business, then stopped when problems arise. When business fell, the family is not supportive, more competitive businesses, consumers complain, suplay cheating, and so they stopped. Instead of thinking and acting to address them. Duh, ...

I have a friend who is not impatient. Business continued to change. One time he opened convection. Er, three months later, he became a business instead of insurance agents. Not yet two months, he changed again so the aquarium business. Not long ago, he switched to the multimedia business.

I tell her: "If you do not wait in one area of business, you will not be successful. Patience and troubleshoot ". I just hope he did.

Patient's weight. But do not be patient, much harder. When you stop trying to achieve your goal, you must start again from scratch. In addition, the more often you stop trying to reach the goal, the goal for a long time you will fall.

For example your initial goal is Rp. 100 million per month. Your business is vouchers. You've tried but not succeeded. You also decided to stop. Well, when you will do business again, you must reduce your destination. "It's been proven Rp. 100 million can not be achieved. Therefore, my goal now is to Rp. 50 million. "

Duh, ... a failure to make a goal down 50%. Moreover, if should fail like Thomas Alva Edison. He failed 10,000 times. Fortunately, Edison patient. The goal has not changed. He must find the right metal for the bulb.

Patient the right to be smart. What does it mean? If one way to achieve the goal fails, the patient to perform a different way. If you still think the same way, then surely the same actions. If you act the same, then surely the same result. That is why the patient must be smart. That means keep thinking other ways different to get different results.

Herein lies the importance of creativity in the patient. If you are patient but not creative, then you will like the donkey that had fallen many times in the same hole.

You will fail many times, but you do not learn from failure. Your failure so as nothing. You are so totally failed. People wait, be smart. Be creative.

Patient and creative people will get different results from ordinary people. Business will grow better. Patience makes them quiet a problem. Creative enable them to continue to find a solution to various problems that occur.


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Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Alert! new virus

"Additional articles" 

A new virus is found, and classified by Microsoft as the most destructive!
The virus was only discovered on Sunday afternoon last by McAfee, and have not found a vaccine to beat.

This destructive virus Sector Zero from the hard disc, which stores the function of important information. The virus is running as follows:

This virus automatically be sent to all the names in your address list with the title:
"A Card for You" (Une Carte Pour Vous, or A Card For You)

Once the virtual card is opened, the virus that would freeze the computer so that the user must begin again; if you press CTRL + ALT + DEL or a command to restart, the virus that will destroy the Boot Sector Zero from the hard disk, so the hard disk will be permanently damaged.

According to CNN, the virus was in a few hours had caused panic in New York. This warning has been accepted by Microsoft's own employees.

Do not open e-mail with the title:
"A Card for You" (Une Carte Pour Vous, or A Card For You)

Send this message to all your friends. I think that most people, prefer to get this warning 25 times than not at all.

CAUTION! Do not accept contact pti_bout_de_ chou @ hotmail. com.
This virus will reformat your computer.

Send this message to everyone in your address list. If you do not do it and one of your friends put it in the address list, your computer will also be affected.

Thank you for your attention & always 'ALERT'!
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Ambition is the trigger Success (part. 2)

experts are not going to kill the human capacity, while working hard to develop. The desire and sincerity in trying is an ability that is priceless. There are some people who once were reluctant to work hard when starting a business. This is because from the beginning they were afraid of failure. In fact, making such fears as the reason for the second ambition to not try is an action that does not make sense. Someone who experienced failure should try to learn why he was doing business does not bring the desired results. It is possible, he will find the answers that he was a prisoner of his own fear. Not infrequently we encounter people who delay the work by saying, "I'm not in a good mood today." As a result, the delay will only make his job accumulating, until it is difficult to solve.

You must use the best of yourself to cultivate good habits. Coherently is a law of nature. If you work in a coherent and organized, you will find happiness in work, as you have fun while playing. Work is one form of worship. If this is understood, of course we would love to work. Only people who have the attitude that likes to work will feel success.

For example, Copernicus has a desire burning in solving the puzzle secrets of the universe. Of course, this is a task of enormous. Moreover, until at the time, scientists have embraced the theory that assumes that Ptolemic the earth was the center of the universe.

At night, Copernicus studied the movement of stars and other planets. From these observations, he found the theory that puts the sun as the center of the universe, while Earth and other planets move around the sun. This theory has shrunk the fury of the priests who had embraced the theory as a theory Ptolemic sacred that should not be changed and can not be changed. However, Copernicus still holds his new theory, without the slightest shaken by the threats of the priests. He remained on the ground. With bold, as usual attitude shown by the great figures of the other, he did further research. His research was later proved to be the rationale of Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and other figures in the setting of modern science.

This story shows that if you really love your ambition, then success can not avoid you. But if you only play with these ambitions can be assured you will fail. People are easily pleased with himself will lose the attention of their initial goals and trapped in a boring life. They are not able to explore, "Finding, fighting, and never give up is the key to success."

Make sure that you do not include this category. You have two precious capital, the youth and talent. Both of these are the most important factor in achieving success. Some people say that they do not have excess, and not have someone who can help them to succeed. They hope to be able to be one of those who achieve "success" through the streets of nepotism. However, if requested alms including the honorable thing? It proper normal person, who has a healthy pair of legs, dependent on a pair of crutches to be able to walk?

History has recorded examples of people who have a deficiency, but keep working diligently. Abraham Lincoln did not have any money to finance his education. He is living death in a shabby hut. Not one person who thinks that someday he would become President of the United States and listed as one of the great figures in history. Thus, a deficiency did not need to make an excuse that prevents you from success. If you want to achieve something in life, Take away the reasons that hinder your path, and start your business right now wherever you are. When an attack noble doubt, always remember with a Chinese proverb that says, "The high-minded people who have the will, while those who spirited dwarf can only hope."


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